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Bruno Lima, PhD bio photo

Bruno Lima, PhD

Assistant Professor at FEUP (PT)
Research Assistant at LIACC

brunomclima [at] gmail.com
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Bruno Lima is a researcher in the Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory of the University of Porto (LIACC), as well as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics Engineering (DEI) at FEUP.

He received the M.Sc. in Informatics and Computing Engineering degree from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) in 2014 and a Ph.D. degree in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) in the same institution in 2021.

His research interests focus on software engineering, certification, and software testing, particularly in the scope of e-health and ambient assisted living systems. He is currently involved and has participated in several national research projects funded by FCT (Portuguese Science Foundation).

Last Publications

PlayField: An Adaptable Framework for Integrative Sports Data Analysis

Filipe Pinto and Bruno Lima

Towards Computer Assisted Compliance Assessment in the Development of Software as a Medical Device

Sadra Farshid, Bruno Lima and João Pascoal Faria

Automatic Test-Based Assessment of Assembly Programs

Luís Tavares, Bruno Lima and António J. Araújo